Change Your Mind
Oct 15, 2021Chances are if you are feeling burned out in your business, you have some thoughts or belief systems that aren't helping you.
I think it's important to remember that no product, service or system is created without a vision and a belief that it is possible.
If you are struggling to believe, it's time to tackle those limiting thoughts and make a choice of what you want to believe on purpose.
Why? Because our thoughts and feelings determine our actions and behaviors which lead to our results.
If what and how you think is paramount to your future desired state, don't you think it's crucial that you "mind your mind" and change it if need be?
The first step in this process is to track your thoughts and become more aware of the current beliefs that are swirling around up there.
What thoughts or beliefs do you have about your business - that might not be serving you?
As you track these thoughts, notice the sensations or feelings that come up for you.
Then, make a list of the thoughts or beliefs you want to have about your business.
What feelings or sensations come up for you when you are creating this list?
At this point, it's just good to acknowledge that all of these thoughts and feelings are available to you.
So if you could change your mind... would you?
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