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Sense of Place

environmental sustainability nature connection personal leadership personal sustainability Jan 14, 2022

Finding beauty in a broken world is creating beauty
in the world we find.— Terry Tempest Williams


My new favorite morning ritual, after coffee, is to bundle up, grab the ball thrower and head out with the dogs to walk the perimeter of the farm.

In this walk, I'm not allowed to look at what needs to be done...
The only goal is to observe what is changing, what is consistent, and what is "new" to me.

This more present observation has served as a meditation and connecting force to provide a more secure sense of place.

Sense of place is defined as the meanings of and attachment to a place held by an individual or a community (Semken 2005) from Global Sustainability 2021.

It is through this meaning and attachment that we become committed to its health, vibrancy and stewardship.

So whether its your kitchen, backyard, or neighborhood block or even your website...might you consider cultivating a deeper sense of place with it (maybe just for a day)?


Jennifer Visitacion is a professional Business and Leadership Coach  providing playfully strategic support for  entrepreneurs & non-profit/ community leaders.  

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